Some days just call for body oil. 💦
I am kind of unsure of how to describe this type of day, maybe it is just to have some extra glam… but anyways?!?

For those types of days, I have searched high and low to find what not only has worked the best for me but also does its best to give back to my girl, Mother Earth. I truly believe that better products produce better results not only for you but for her and all of her amazing wonders…. so anyways
👌Growing up, of course, I have tried sooo many different oils,(I also had that one special friend who would put baby oil on in the shower and have us all busting our ass later on) but due to having problematic skin have learned to avoid certain products that more often than not cause clogging and more breakouts. Typically, I found this to be the case with mineral oils, cottonseed, or mineral oil varieties. After researching a ton of articles about coconut oil found that it can provide many beneficial things to not only the inside of our bodies but the out too 😉
So getting on to the goods. It’s so simple. Purchase the coconut oil pump, pick out your favorite essential oil (for me this time was MANGO) add them to gather, and GO! Don’t forget to head on over to the Amazon shop and pick it up!
Quick, easy, and right to your door!