Protein for Muscles
Uriia Underhill, B.Sc.
The best source of protein for an athlete would be the type food that would help his body runs to the best of its ability. Proteins are a very important part of every meal. It seems a good suggestion is each meal have a recommended amount of lean meat, seafood, a good supplement of good fat and balanced with a healthy portion of veggies and fruits.
Protein in the human body is continuously broke down meaning that an athletes need for protein is a lot more (Fink, Burgoon, Mikesky, 2009,). This is due to the amount of physical activity they do in a day, week, etc. as well as the body type of the athlete. It is also important to know that if your body is properly nourished it can feed off muscles for energy which in turn leads to muscle breakdown. ,which for an athlete could mean no muscle gains (McAdams, 2012). This could also play a role in how your body reacts and stores carbohydrates due to feel of not receiving the necessary fuels at the next feeding.
A good protein for each meal of the day would be as follows
Lean shredded beef (Protein), Kale (Carbohydrate), and a side of Sliced apples (Carbohydrate).
9am Snack-
Pear Slices (Carbohydrate), Raw Pecans (fat)
12pm Lunch-
Lean Turkey breast (protein), mixed green salad (carbohydrate)
3 pm Snack-
Lean Beef Jerky (protein), Celery sticks (carbohydrate)
6pm Dinner-
Cucumber (carbohydrate) with avocado (fat) dip, cold peel and eat shrimp(protein),
It is very important to know that each meal is a balanced fueling period for your body. Barry Sears, PH.D has published many great finding out how the body especially athletes bodies preform to the best of ability when the body is fed on a balanced platform of Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat each meal. Each meal is recommended consumed within a 2-3 hour period. Of course this type of eating can be used for anyone to lose, maintain, or gain muscle for athletic performance all by figuring out what the athletes, or clients needs are based on their lean body mass, and body fat calculations.
Fink, H., Burgoon, L., Mikesky, A., (2009) Chapter 5:Protein (2nd edition pp.126-149) Sudbury, MA, Jones and Barlett Publishers
McAdams, A., (2012) LiveStrong, When Does the Body Start to Use Muscle Tissue For Energy, Retrieved January 11, 2013 from